Saturday, October 11, 2008

gurren lagann kamina scrap

Old scrap from days of forgotten.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

witch blade priss~

I've been on a witchblade binge. Bought a colored manga book at borders recently and it just rekindled these ideas I had when I recently watched the anime version.

Witch blade bubblegum crisis 2040! XD

Friday, March 14, 2008

Kawaru wa yo~

finished! HONEY FLASH!

I haven't sung cutie honey opening theme in a long time. OFF TO GS~ XD

Sunday, March 2, 2008

secrets of DRAGON FISTTT

Finally made the adult blogger. Check the sidelinks. VENTURE IF YOU DARE! XD

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Revised picture: Another one of those wtf pairings. :3

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bleach - Bankai finale

FACK her collar is the wrong color. ><

hg 1/144 gundam dynames

Notice how this pose makes his red crotch stick out. mmm sexy

I gave blu duel's stand to dynames.

Damn this camera sucks. Tomorrow i'll try get better ones. Especially the trench ones.. if I find that nice camera and hopefully if the batteries are charged.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Edit: color! In progress

I wonder if I'll ever read more after the rescue rukia arc. XD

Friday, February 1, 2008

hg 1/144 blu duel gundam

I've been giving it a lot of attention lately. adding details here and there. Buying super glue to seam up parts that always fall off. So I think this is the first time I took pictures of it. I lost the hand with the kunais. I'll have to find it so I can take more pictures.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


I'm so happy.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

P3 - WAKE UP~ 2

Final version~

almost done. I'm quite proud of the background. Making that gave me quite the trouble though. I had to take a nap and come back to it. XD


PERSONA WAKE UP~ *kamenrider kiva*

It's funny how I only get muse to draw stuff when in class during lectures. Bad habit.. Anyway P3 fanart in the process.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First post on blogspot!

"Gekiranger - RanxGou"
Gekiranger will end in two episodes from now and ran has never had a paired episode with gou or ken. I feel like these two are rivals that will fight for her love. :3


Welcome to *coughanotherartblogcough*~

I decided to make one because I'm looking forward to just posting any kind of art here. It may be a sketch to full blown cg art! And lots of fanservice(Pr0nzz).

I'll be devolving the layout a bit more in coming weeks so stick around!